Articles authored by Carson Group

The Two Sides to Growth: Inorganic vs. Organic

As we near the end of the year, some advisors might scramble to cross off something from their to-do lists. The coronavirus pandemic sidetracked plans for 2020 – especially growth-related goals. After a downward trend in mergers and acquisitions activity earlier this year, the number of deals are increasing, according to Jason Carver, Vice President of …

The Intersection of Wealth Management and Housing Wealth

Wealth management, practice management and housing wealth are three topics that dovetail – and sometimes collide – with each other in the life of every advisor. It’s important for the advisor-CEO to know how to speak all three fluently. As fiduciaries, we need to focus on home comprehensive planning and incorporate home equity into our …

Investment Roundtable: What to Watch in the Markets

What are investment experts doing in the face of the first bear market in over a decade? Carson Group Chief Investment Officer Saumen Chattopadhyay sat down with six of our investment partners to talk about the current market conditions, provide an outlook on market indicators, plus discuss the macroeconomic perspective. The panel features experts from: …

CARES Act Summarized

A Look at the Major Provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act As the stock market hit its lowest returns since the 2008 Financial Crisis, the government has stepped in in an attempt to boost the economy. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) produces roughly $2 trillion in …

The Top Ways for Advisors to Provide Value to Clients

Download the Top Ways for Advisors to Provide Value to Clients You know you provide value to your clients – but do they? Demonstrating your value to clients helps them feel more confident and secure in you and in their financial decisions. Learn what services you should highlight and how clients feel about compensation and …

Answers to Advisor Questions About the SECURE Act

The SECURE Act changed retirement planning within the industry, and left a lot of us sprinting to learn the new policies, communicate with our clients and shift our advice to help our clients reach their retirement financial goals. Jamie Hopkins, ESQ., MBA, CFP®, LLM, CLU®, CHFC®, RICP®, and Director of Retirement Research at Carson, received …

Carson’s Investment Guidebook

Carson Partners benefit from investment strategies built with a planning-first mindset, and the Carson Investment Guidebook takes you through our philosophy of doing just that – from financial planning to investments, measuring risk to measuring diversification, and everything in between. We are committed to helping clients understand their portfolios and to provide a narrative around …

How the Results of the Election Could Impact the Markets and Financial Planning

The votes have been cast and now it’s a waiting game. Our country now faces days of a counting, recounting, accusations, potential lawsuits and a runoff election or two. Only then will we know the results of the 2020 election. It can be hard for clients to keep emotions under control during an election season. …

Modern Solutions to Meet Modern Challenges

When we think of the challenges facing today’s advisor, the list is long – as you likely know too well. Fee compression, consolidation, outdated tech, succession planning, deal structures, compliance headaches – all are among the chief concerns we hear from our peers in the industry. As our partners will attest, modern challenges demand modern …

Managing Risk in Investment Management During Tumultuous Times

When it comes to investments, there is always risk, but during tumultuous times, managing that risk can feel more precarious. What should you consider when analyzing risk in your investment allocation? Watch as Carson’s Saumen Chattopadhyay, Scott Kubie and Sonu Varghese dive into ways to determine appropriate asset allocation and sharpen your risk analysis and …

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