Articles authored by Ryan Detrick

Excell is a Wrap

What a week last week was! Carson Group hosted Excell, our largest event of the year, in the awesome town of Nashville. If you were there, then you know how much fun it was. If you missed it, don’t worry, we’ll be back again in Orlando next year.  We hope you can join us. The …

12 Things Every College Student Should Know

The whole Carson team is in Nashville this week for our Excell Conference! This week will be a blast and we hope if you are attending you can find us and say hi. Given we are just a tad busy, today I wanted to re-share one of the most popular blogs I’ve done so far this …

What Is It Like to Go on TV?

“I don’t know what they are going to ask me, but I know what I’m going to tell them.” -Ryan Detrick I was in New York City on Tuesday for a day trip to do some media. We’ve been trying to find a time that worked for awhile and I was able to fly in …

Three Reasons Stocks Might Shine in the Usually Weak September

“If you torture numbers enough they will tell you anything.” -Hall of Fame and Yankee great Yogi Berra After the best start to a new year over the first seven months for the S&P 500 since 1997, stocks finally fell in August, ending a five-month win streak. In the end the S&P 500 was down …

Busting 7 Common Myths

We’ve been hearing many of the same myths over and over, yet we don’t think they are the big worry that the media and many make them out to be. These are legitimate concerns and have many investors worried, but we think the chances of them becoming larger issues are smaller than many expect.  We …

This Is Normal

“Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?” Groucho Marx Nearly right on cue, stocks have had a rough August. We noted at the start of the month that the odds were high for some type of seasonal weakness, coupled with many of the longtime bears suddenly changing their tunes. The good news is …

Volatility Is Part of the Game

“The stock market is a giant distraction to the business of investing.” Jack Bogle, Founder of Vanguard With stocks up five months in a row, we’ve hit some weakness so far in August, which is fairly normal as we discussed in Stocks Don’t Like August, Now What? Here’s the truth, investors have been rather spoiled …

Now They Turn Bullish?

“When the facts change, I change my mind – what do you do, sir?” -John Maynard Keynes One of the main reasons we were overweight equities at the start of this year was because virtually no one else was, as we explained in mid-December in Is Anyone Bullish?. Sure, there were a few bulls, but …

Why $1 Trillion in Credit Card Debt Isn’t a Bad Thing

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” -Henry David Thoreau It finally happened, US consumers officially have more than $1 trillion in credit card debt, an all-time record. Not surprisingly, many claimed this was a sign the consumer was tapped out and simply spending and buying everything on credit cards. …

11 Things to Know About the U.S. Debt Downgrade

“I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.” -Will Rogers What happened? Rating agency Fitch downgraded the U.S. government’s longer-term credit rating to AA+ from AAA. This was the second time in history a rating agency did this, as S&P Global Ratings did it in August 2011 after a government …

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