Empowering Women of Color and Working With Values with Anna‌ ‌N’Jie-Konte

Anna N'Jie-Konte

In today’s episode of Framework, Jamie talks with Anna N’Jie-Konte a CFP, podcaster, and the founder of Dare to Dream Financial Planning, where she helps empower women of color to take control of their finances.

A child of immigrants, Anna was encouraged to pursue law, medicine, or accounting as a career path. She didn’t feel any of those were the right fit, so she started out as an event organizer right out of college. By happenstance, the events she was planning centered around wealth management and the topics caught her interest.

She worked at several smaller firms after leaving her event organizing job and then went on to found her own firm in 2019. Even though both of her parents were accountants, she didn’t realize how much she didn’t know about finances until she got into the wealth management industry. Seeing this as a repeating pattern with her friends and family encouraged her to take on the task of empowering people to become educated about their financial well-being.

Anna talks with Jamie about how she got into the industry, why she feels black and brown communities have been underserved by financial services, and why it’s important to work for a company that aligns with your values. Anna and Jamie also riff on why food always tastes better when someone else cooks it.

(39:26) “ I want to help thousands of women to achieve financial security and financial success. I want to make a positive impact in my larger minority community, because I know if I help one woman, she’s probably helping three or four people in her family, and that’s going to continue to snowball. ~ @anjiekonte

Main Takeaways

  • A large chunk of the population has decent jobs, decent incomes, and could be financially secure if they were just able to get some strategy and financial planning in place. This is especially true in black and brown communities.
  • Social media is a critical component of marketing financial planning in today’s world, especially since the COVID crisis has left us unable to meet in person.
  • When people, especially women, have financial security, they use it to give back and pay it forward. This is a great reason to help these people attain their financial goals.

Links and Important Mentions

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