Burt White
Whenever market volatility strikes – as it always does – it seems to suck up all the air in the room.
Clients are uneasy. They’re eyeing the news and their portfolios. They’re dialing your office or shooting off an email.
“What does this mean? Should I be concerned?”
What if you could proactively reassure your clients without it interrupting your busy schedule over and over and over?
Here’s how.
Our partners leverage our all-client webinars led by our industry thought leaders who:
- Answer client questions
- Calm their nerves
- And keep their confidence in their advisor and their plan
All our partners have to do is send the invitation emails – oh, we provide that copy, too.
What a tremendous way to showcase your value every month – sometimes more – while protecting your time.
Burt White, our Chief Strategy Officer and former leader at LPL, led one of our latest all-client webinars on market volatility. Check out the clip to see exactly why our partners and their clients love this offering.
Client webinars are just one of the ways we act as an extension of your team, freeing you up to run your business, grow your business and love your business.
Our c-suite solution covers marketing, investments, technology, compliance and more. If you’re interested in what that kind of support could do for the growth of your firm, we’d love to chat.
Schedule a no-obligation call with one of our business development leaders today.