Sarah Kjellberg: Pushing the Industry Toward a More Sustainable Future

In this episode, Jamie and Ana talk with Sarah Kjellberg, Head of Sustainable ETFs at BlackRock. Sarah leads the overall strategy for sustainable ETFs – from distribution to marketing to thought leadership. Sarah and her team develop impactful strategies with a focus on easy implementation for their industry partners.

Sarah talks with Jamie and Ana about how data drives the evolution of sustainability in investing, how to help investors who demand “impact” and how the industry can move forward and implement sustainability.

Key Takeaways

  • Sarah Kjellberg’s first savings account.
  • The era of cassette tapes and soundtracks.
  • Shifting from the arts to business.
  • Impact investing with Blackrock.
  • What is sustainable investing?
  • How data drives the evolution of sustainability in investing.
  • Why should investors care about sustainability?
  • Women in ESG investing.
  • Sarah’s list of inspiring speakers and thought leaders.
  • Why push the industry toward a more sustainable future?


“The folks that I know within the industry, the colleagues that I work with day in and day out, the reasons why they do it is because they are deeply passionate about sustainability. And, yes, I think probably the underlying reason for them is because they see this as being truly their purpose.”Sarah Kjellberg

“To me, the most important thing is how do we really move capital in a way that is going to be transformational? So to me, what that means is things like, how can we help improve people’s lives?”Sarah Kjellberg


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