Strategies from Partner Summit to Step Up Your Operations Support

Support from Operations staff can help free up financial advisors to better serve their clients and focus on what matters most.

At this year’s Partner Summit, breakout sessions focused on how Operations staffers can help power their firm’s growth through marketing support, aid in planning impactful events and optimize client meetings and more through process creation.

Check out these replays of breakout sessions at Partner Summit to see how you can step up your Operations support.

Supporting Advisors in Firm Growth Panel

One of the most common marketing goals of advisors is to generate leads and grow their business. By leveraging a team approach and various marketing strategies, they can create a plan to accomplish these goals. Hear from fellow operations and client service team members to learn how they support advisors with growth-based goals.

Event Pro: Best Practices for Planning, Execution, Follow-Up

Learn best practices for every stage of event management, from meticulous planning to flawless execution to thorough follow-up. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights, actionable strategies and practical tips to elevate their event planning skills and achieve greater success in organizing memorable and impactful events.

Processes Create Freedom: Optimizing your Operational Team

This session will demonstrate how to systematize your firm and build a process-based business, which can not only enhance the client experience but also provide freedom to the stakeholders in your firm to feel confident and focus on the growth of the firm. We will be looking at key areas and provide actionable steps for evaluating, creating and improving your internal processes.


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