The Tools for Success: How Carson Helped One Advisor Level Up His Client Experience

The Tools for Success: How Carson Helped One Advisor Level Up His Client Experience

As a Carson Coaching member, Joel Worsfold reached new levels of success as a financial advisor. He was named a “Premier Advisor” at his broker-dealer from 2012-2018, and was named one of the nation’s top 1,200 State-by-State advisors in 2018 by Barron’s.

But just as he had joined Carson Coaching, Joel started to feel again like he had hit his growth ceiling as an advisor.

His clients, mostly executives, had increasingly complex plans that he didn’t have the proper practice management tools to handle.

“They can have 10 to 13 different things going on at the same time: restricted stocks, deferred comp, restricted shares, options,” says Joel, now Managing Director, Partner and Wealth Advisor at Carson Wealth in West Des Moines, Iowa.

And his broker-dealer’s technology was increasingly outdated. He couldn’t easily access client information and felt frustrated when he couldn’t pull information electronically for annual reviews.

On top of that, though retirement wasn’t in his immediate future, Joel had begun to wonder about succession planning and what would happen to his team after he left the business.

“They’re my family. I’d do anything for them,” Joel says. “And so I can’t leave knowing that they’re probably finished.”

Carson, with its Advanced Planning team, integrated tech stack and business continuity and succession planning, was an ideal fit to meet Joel’s needs, and he partnered with Carson in 2019.

Joel’s partnership with Carson paid immediate dividends for his business, especially in regard to the client experience.

When it comes to delivering a great client experience, “you better have a process in the system for it,” Joel says. And being able to tap into Carson’s advisor operations and processes for client meetings was a huge boon for Joel and his firm.

“Having all those systems and processes in place that are repeatable, so that when you refer someone to me, they’re gonna have the exact same experience,” he says. “They’re not gonna come back and say, ‘Well, that’s not the way it worked for me.’”

Carson’s tech stack was also a big upgrade from what Joel had with his broker-dealer.

“Being able to have eMoney, for example, which was really cool for us,” Joel says. “I couldn’t get my former firm to do that because it costs too much.”

And the Advanced Solutions team was a huge help in dealing with some of the complicated plans Joel’s executive clients brought to the table. And as a Carson firm, Joel could assure his second- and third-generation clients that they’d continue to be taken care of by his team even after he stepped away from the business.

In just his first full year with Carson, Joel’s financial

“When you start looking at our competition, I don’t know of anybody that has the tools that we have to get the client where we need them to go,” Joel says.

You can learn more about how Carson elevated Joel’s client experience and his full journey with Carson by downloading our case study, “Reaping the Rewards: The Journey Through Coaching, Partnership and Succession.” It covers every step of Joel’s Carson journey, the lessons he learned and the challenges he faced along the way – all with a true partner in his corner.

Barron’s: Top 1200 Financial Advisors – Joel Worsfold, 2018 – Over 4,000 advisors who wish to be ranked fill out a 102-question survey about their practice, data is then applied to a ranking formula. The ranking reflects the volume of assets overseen by the advisors and their teams, revenues generated for the firms, and the quality of the advisors’ practices. The scoring system assigns a top score of 100 and rates the rest by comparing them with the top-ranked advisor. Listing in this publication and/or award is not a guarantee of future investment success. This recognition should not be construed as an endorsement of the advisor by any client. No compensation was provided directly or indirectly by the recipient for participation or in connection with obtaining or using the third-party rating or award.

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