What Makes a Great Advisor Event?

Events are a fantastic way to share your expertise and grow your client base, yet during the pandemic, they underwent drastic changes as everything moved to the virtual environment. Now as we begin to emerge from COVID isolation and feel more comfortable interacting in groups, meetings are back on the schedule.

In this episode, Jamie and Ana discuss event best practices, with Jamie sharing his perspective as a veteran speaker who’s presented at well over 1,000 conferences, and Ana giving her takeaways from recent meetings she’s attended.

The best part in the resurgence of events is the excitement over being there, with everyone having a purposeful reason, notes Jamie. He and Ana go over the importance of considering health and safety protocols before proceeding with an event; how to pace the event so that attendees get the most out of it; and how to choose the right speakers and formats.

One exciting suggestion Jamie offers is incorporating a philanthropic element, especially for an out-of-town conference where you want to make a local impact. You can request donations or pledges from attendees, or take your service offsite to work collectively at a food bank or share financial literacy knowledge at a high school or community center.

Key Takeaways

  • Don’t present if you feel sick – whether it’s COVID or a common cold. Offer a replacement when at all possible. 
  • Think about the pace of events. Spread out speakers so attendees have time to decompress and absorb knowledge between sessions. 
  • Select non-traditional speakers to inject variety into the event, and ask speakers to use different formats rather than relying on PowerPoint, such as audience participation or using more visual aids. 
  • Incorporate a philanthropic element to make a local impact; for example, sharing financial literacy knowledge at local high schools or community centers. 


“People attend to learn something, so offer clear takeaways and come at it from an abundance mentality – it’s OK to share your best stuff. Even if you reveal your exact personal secrets to success, people still need to put it into practice for themselves.” – Jamie Hopkins 


Contact Carson Group today to learn more about how events can help you grow and nurture your client base.

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