Know the Value of Your Business
Take our Firm Valuation Calculator Today

Your business is one of your largest assets – and knowing its value is critical to identifying your growth potential, finding equity options, preparing you to sell, finding a capital partner and more.
Know what your firm’s worth
Answer six quick questions in our valuation calculator to better understand the market value of your advisory firm.
*This calculator is an estimated range of your firm’s value based on the information entered. Your actual valuation may differ based on data accuracy and other factors not considered here. The valuation range is calculated using assets under management (AUM), advisory asset percentage, gross revenue, and number of clients. It is calculated by multiplying gross revenue by a base multiplier of 2.7, along with adjustments for client size, advisory asset percentage, average fee percentage, and asset size. The 2.7 multiplier is based on revenue multiplier ranges used by third-party firms offering business valuation and financing services. Average client size is calculated by dividing total AUM by the number of clients, while average fee percentage is calculated by dividing gross revenue by AUM, and asset size is equal to AUM.
Take the Next Step
Want to grow your valuation? Acquire other books of business? Find a succession plan or a capital partner? Start the conversation with our team today to learn more about how Carson can help you amplify your growth and value of your business.